Infeld Collection 2

Ed. Peter Infeld Private Foundation, Vienna
1st edition, 1999, exhibition catalog
219 pages, numerous illustrations
Size: 29 x 22 cm, hardcover
German EUR 25 (incl. VAT)
The second exhibition of selected works of art from the Infeld Collection shown in the State Gallery of the Burgenland in Eisenstadt in 1999 depicted a different range of the Infeld Collection, which was founded in 1965 with the purchase of the first paintings by Margareta and Peter Infeld. The broad spectrum of contemporary art in the collection is due to a very personal affinity and emotional relationship with each work of art.
Exhibited were Masters of
- Naïve wood carving: Mato Generalic, Dorde Kreca, Matija Lackovic, Petar Smajic, Nepalese artists;
- Naïve painting works: Andre Bauchant, Emile Blondel, Camille Bombois, Ivan Generalic, Krsto Hegedusic, Pal Homonai, Mijo Kovacic, Siegfried L. Kratochwil, Ivan Lackovic-Croata, Branko Lovak, Franjo Mraz, Nikifor, Josip Pintaric Puko, Mara Puskaric-Petras, Ivan Rabuzin, Max Raffler, Rene Rimbert, Sava Sekulic, Matija Skurjeni, Slavko Stolnik, Nada Svegovic-Budaj, Joze Tisnikar, Ivan Vecenaj, Mirko Virius, Louis Vivin, etc.;
- Art Brut and outsider art: Ilija Bosilj, Anselme Boix-Vives, Günter Brus, Gaston Chaissac, Jean Dubuffet, Franz Gyolcs, Horst Janssen, Franz Janz, Wano Meliaschwili, Otto Mühl, Teofil Ociepka, Arnulf Rainer, Franz M. J. M. Ringel, Friedrich Schröder-Sonnenstern, Scottie Wilson, Josef Wittlich, Adolf Wölfli;
- Gugginger artists: Josef Bachler, Johann Fischer, Johann Garber, Johann Hauser, Rudolf Horacek, Franz Kamlander, Franz Kernbeis, Johann Korec, Fritz Opitz, Heinrich Reisenbauer, Arnold Schmidt, Philipp Schöpke, Oswald Tschirtner, August Walla.